Online Math, Science, ACT, SAT Tutoring
Helping the students of today become the successes of tomorrow
Before the ACT or SAT, many students will take the PSAT. But since the PSAT scores are not reported to colleges, many families think the scores don't mean very much.
Not so!
Since the PSAT is a national test, taking the PSAT in the eigth grade is extremely valuable to determine if your child is prepared to face the academic challenges of high school and to get an idea of where your child's SAT score might be. This allows you to work with mtTutoring to build an academic tutoring program to strengthen any weak areas and enhance already solid areas.
Taking the PSAT in the ninth and tenth grades also allows you to see how your child will score on the SAT. With this information, mtTutoring can create an individual SAT or ACT tutoring plan to maximize your child's score.
Our average PSAT score increase is 200 points after 40 hours of tutoring.
mtTutoring can help your student succeed in on-level, honors, advanced, AP, and Dual Enrollment classes.
Algebra, Geometry, Precalculus, Calculus, Biology, Chemistry, Physics
PSAT prep, ACT prep, SAT prep
mtTutoring specializes in ACT, SAT, Math, and Science, but can help you with almost any high school subject.